Saturday, December 31, 2005

Nga's Wedding

2005年12月31号, 我同事的婚礼。。不要误会这次我不是摄影师,原本打算当天去拍照片。。。可是正是同事的大日子所以呢~带了应准备的道具一起到酒家~

婚礼的地点在KLANG 还以为那里的人会比较准时,哪知和KL的人半斤八两,7。05pm准时到达大概等到8.30pm才开席。。。那时的我还挺紧张的~~ 因为要赶回IKANO拍照片。还好还赶得急呢~!

Tuesday, December 27, 2005


On the way back to Kuala Lumpur, we stopped by Melacca to take some photo. Still remember those places we been to? Let me refresh your memory.

Monday, December 26, 2005


背着三角架,搭上捷运。。我和Hun 就边走边拍照。用上了长短镜头,构思了不同角度。。。但发现很多人都拥有一样的概念。。。好多好多的摄影爱好者都到了现场,架上了三角架摆好角度。。。123。。。真的很热闹~!

记得书上提过Framing the Object, Open the Shutter Speed...好时机让我试一试, 没想到Andy 提出了个Idea就是moving with the object。。。看看以下的图片有没有灵异的感觉。哈哈~!证明功夫不到家~加油加油哦!!!

Shopping in Singapore

逛街怎么可能少了我这位 Shopping Queen 呢?

逛街小秘方 ~!

借此告诉大家新加坡 SALE 的季节在 end of May - Beggining of July. 还有还有。。。每年的26th Dec , total 2 weeks 哦~

喜欢名牌的朋友不妨到 DFS Gallerie (Opposite of Hyatt Hotel), 那里的标价比外头便宜20%。 即使如此我还是觉得好贵,所以呢,~ 眼看手忽动。。。

Sunday, December 25, 2005

Christmas in Singapore Year 2005~

每年的圣诞节,Singapore 拥有不同的圣诞主题,今年是?。。。很明显是 TROPICAL~~
从早到晚,人潮涌涌~ 不晓得的人还以为示威。

Sunday, December 11, 2005

华丽台2005投票 快到了,情记得投票哦~!西关大少行动拉票开始~

各位别误会, 我的位置并不在前面。。只是用了长镜而已。即使用了长镜还是拍不到, 爬上了大卡车才拍得到效果,证明一点。。。记者和摄影师都长得很高~~不是我矮哟~~!

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Wedding Dinner

I'm so worried for the evening session, because I am not invest my Flash yet. Therefore, I didn't take a lot photo during the evening session. It show the important of the flash especially shooting in the indoor.

Gilbert's Wedding

The first time I'm doing the Wedding Event. I'm so scare that I did not capture the important part. Luckly my friend told me he was happy for the photo. I'm so happy to hear that. Congrat Gilbert & Jean

The preparation from Groom.......

Finally we arrive~~!

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